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Wed–Sat 17:00–23:00 Skills Park opposite Kraftfeld
Outdoor installation
Body language is transferred into virtual reality in an inversion coupled with the real world. With the help of AI-supported performance capture, visitors can control and record various 3D avatars in real time while they are looking down at a virtual version of Lagerplatz via a monitor. In addition, they can change the avatar’s virtual surroundings.
The recordings gradually create an arbitrary, fast montage, which is projected at full height on the wall across from Kraftfeld at night. Thus, the avatars are looking down on their real creators just like the creators are looking down on the virtual Lagerplatz. Light and sound in the outdoor restaurant react to the avatar’s surroundings on the wall.
Pascal Pendl is a digital image technician who works in (digital) set design for film and advertising and as a video technician for events as well as non-commercial clubs and festivals. Devoted to video technology and art, he produces music videos and live visuals – 2D and 3D, live action and CGI, analogue and digital – for his own installations. He has always been committed to a do-it-yourself spirit, so for his projects, he often designs, builds, and programs all the technology, software, and everything in between himself. Pascal also creates videos, visuals, and stage equipment for his two bands, .N3<ØMΔ†Δ. and Butchers of Lassie. Since 2019, he has been running the hyper.space.studio, an experimental film studio in Winterthur, where he explores real-time rendering, especially virtual production.
Wed–Sat 17:00–23:00 Skills Park opposite Kraftfeld
Outdoor installation
Body language is transferred into virtual reality in an inversion coupled with the real world. With the help of AI-supported performance capture, visitors can control and record various 3D avatars in real time while they are looking down at a virtual version of Lagerplatz via a monitor. In addition, they can change the avatar’s virtual surroundings.
The recordings gradually create an arbitrary, fast montage, which is projected at full height on the wall across from Kraftfeld at night. Thus, the avatars are looking down on their real creators just like the creators are looking down on the virtual Lagerplatz. Light and sound in the outdoor restaurant react to the avatar’s surroundings on the wall.
Pascal Pendl is a digital image technician who works in (digital) set design for film and advertising and as a video technician for events as well as non-commercial clubs and festivals. Devoted to video technology and art, he produces music videos and live visuals – 2D and 3D, live action and CGI, analogue and digital – for his own installations. He has always been committed to a do-it-yourself spirit, so for his projects, he often designs, builds, and programs all the technology, software, and everything in between himself. Pascal also creates videos, visuals, and stage equipment for his two bands, .N3<ØMΔ†Δ. and Butchers of Lassie. Since 2019, he has been running the hyper.space.studio, an experimental film studio in Winterthur, where he explores real-time rendering, especially virtual production.
Le court métrage n’est pas juste un film «court». C’est une forme d’art à part entière à laquelle nous consacrons chaque année un festival.
Il existe des courts métrages de tous genres et de toutes longueurs. Grâce à des voies de production facilitées, il permet de capter rapidement une époque et de l’illustrer. Il divertit, surprend, analyse lasociété, exprime une opinion politique ou donne un aperçu de mondes étrangers.
Nous rassemblons nos courts métrages pour créer des programmes thématiques ou des sections – comme nos compétitions – et nous les projetons dans un ordre bien précis. Pour apprécier le court métrage, il suffit d’être curieux, d’avoir envie de faire des découvertes et de se laisser surprendre.
Le festival
Les Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur représentent le plus important festival de courts métrages en Suisse. Chaque mois de novembre, Winterthour se transforme en métropole du court métrage pendant six jours.
Tout le monde trouve son compte dans les programmes soigneusement concoctés par nos curatrices et curateurs sur des thématiques ou des événements actuels et brûlants. Les blocs des compétitions donnent une bonne vue d’ensemble du paysage cinématographique actuel, alors que les installations, performances et autres événements spéciaux montrent au public la diversité des formes audiovisuelles. Le programme d’événements allie concerts, lectures et bien plus encore, complétant ainsi l’expérience du festival.