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The latest trends in international filmmaking: our competition programmes present recent short films from around the world. The best works will be honoured with prizes at the Award Ceremony on Sunday.
Discover national short filmmaking in the Swiss Competition. We also invite audiences to join us for the Award Ceremony on Sunday – watch live as the jury honours the best films of this year’s festival edition.
With the Sparks programmes, we hope to spark a passion for the medium of short film. Featuring highlights from this year’s competition submissions, the selection offers an excellent introduction to the world of shorts, showcasing a diverse film culture beyond the usual mainstream and YouTube videos.
Kurzfilmtage’s annual Swiss Film School Day is a showcase of Switzerland’s five major undergraduate degree programmes. Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL), the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and the Lucerne School of Art and Design (Video/Animation) present a selection of their recent short films. The jury of the Swiss Competition gives feedback to the students and awards the prize for the Best Swiss School Film. Admission to the Swiss Film School Day is free – a great opportunity to get a first glimpse of Kurzfilmtage!
Canada is an impossibly vast and wildly diverse country. Accordingly, Canadian cinema is highly eclectic, influenced by language, geography, and various cultural communities. The eight curated programmes presented here showcase the complexity of this cinema as well as its evolution through history.
In the early 1990s, Nigerian cinema experienced its first major commercial success. Themes of love, avarice, spirituality, and redemption became the backbone of Nigerian cinematic storytelling, resonating with audiences across the country and continent. Today, young filmmakers infuse some irreverence into those themes, often using short films as the canvas for their exploration. These shorts bear witness to the new generation’s unique ambition and creativity, and they represent a hyper-conscious departure from mainstream Nollywood.
Willy Hans has developed a unique style characterized by his love of experimentation and a talent for blending genres. His films surprise viewers with unexpected twists and intriguing image compositions. In this Focus on Willy Hans, we present his own works as well as films created by the collective consisting of Paul Spengemann, Jan Eichberg, Steffen Goldkamp, and Hans.
Kurzfilmtage’s Industry Events consist of the Swiss Film School Day, the Industry Lab, and the Creators’ Room. They offer film professionals an opportunity for networking and for discussing current issues, creative methods, and aesthetic trends.
Creators’ Room Sat 10:00–17:30 Alte Kaserne / blue Cinema Maxx 2
The Creators’ Room offers practical advice, a Master Class, and workshops dedicated to specific work processes in film production. This year, two short films serve as examples for a Case Study on financing and production.
Director Willy Hans – Kurzfilmtage’s Person in Focus this year – is a founding member of the collective Spengemann, Eichberg, Goldkamp, Hans, among other things. In a moderated Master Class, he will talk about his work as a director and as a member of the collective.
For Reasons to Buy a Film, we’ve invited three industry representatives who work in acquisitions, sales, and festivals to watch selected shorts. The experts will share their views on the most promising sales and marketing strategies for these works.
A maximum of four Swiss short film projects will face an international jury in a public pitch for participation in the Coproduction Forum held by European Short Pitch (ESP) 2023/24.
The FOCAL Script Coaching is also part of the Creators’ Room. The individual coaching sessions for the selected projects take place at Alte Kaserne in the morning.
The Industry Awards Ceremony will be held in the evening.
Admission is free; preregistration is binding.
Full programme and registration form: kurzfilmtage.ch/creatorsroom
An event by Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
In collaboration with FOCAL
With the kind support of Bundesamt für Kultur MEDIA Desk Suisse SRG SSR Zürcher Filmstiftung
Le court métrage n’est pas juste un film «court». C’est une forme d’art à part entière à laquelle nous consacrons chaque année un festival.
Il existe des courts métrages de tous genres et de toutes longueurs. Grâce à des voies de production facilitées, il permet de capter rapidement une époque et de l’illustrer. Il divertit, surprend, analyse lasociété, exprime une opinion politique ou donne un aperçu de mondes étrangers.
Nous rassemblons nos courts métrages pour créer des programmes thématiques ou des sections – comme nos compétitions – et nous les projetons dans un ordre bien précis. Pour apprécier le court métrage, il suffit d’être curieux, d’avoir envie de faire des découvertes et de se laisser surprendre.
Le festival
Les Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur représentent le plus important festival de courts métrages en Suisse. Chaque mois de novembre, Winterthour se transforme en métropole du court métrage pendant six jours.
Tout le monde trouve son compte dans les programmes soigneusement concoctés par nos curatrices et curateurs sur des thématiques ou des événements actuels et brûlants. Les blocs des compétitions donnent une bonne vue d’ensemble du paysage cinématographique actuel, alors que les installations, performances et autres événements spéciaux montrent au public la diversité des formes audiovisuelles. Le programme d’événements allie concerts, lectures et bien plus encore, complétant ainsi l’expérience du festival.