10.11.2023, 20:00, Maxx 1
11.11.2023, 13:30, Maxx 5
12.11.2023, 11:00, Maxx 6
The whole range of short filmmaking from the Zurich area – diverse, entertaining, profound, and socially committed. Like every year, Züri Shorts demonstrates that local short films are made for the big screen.

Letzte Nacht
Lea Bloch / Switzerland 2023 / 15' / DCP / colour / Swiss German / Fic
After partying together for a night, four female friends and four male friends meet separately. The previous evening is reconstructed simultaneously in both groups and gradually takes shape. The mood is boisterous, until it becomes clear that a line was crossed last night. In both groups, questions arise around guilt, responsibility, and credibility.

What If, If
Tobias Madison / Switzerland 2023 / 16' / DCP / black & white / no dialogue / Fic
A nameless man is maintaining kinship with the ants in his apartment. In this interspecies encounter, an uncomfortable truth emerges slowly: That we are able to have empathy and interact with what is Other. But that we just as easily resort to violence and destruction of that Other.

0.1 g
R. Mond / Switzerland 2023 / 1'54" / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Doc/Ani
Fluid exuded by the body, seeping through various orifices beyond the boundary of the skin, were scanned, and the resulting 70 000 images were animated.

Lars Mulle / Switzerland 2023 / 20' / DCP / colour / Swiss German / Fic
A parrot has gone missing in a dreary Swiss suburb. While its owner is on her quest to recapture the bird, the parrot's longing for freedom seems to increasingly rub off on humans and animals, who feel trapped in their daily routines.

Remember, Broken Crayons Color Too
Shannet Clemmings/Urša Kastelic / Switzerland 2023 / 13'5" / colour / English / Doc
Shannet's voice echoes in the dark. She is lost. The nighttime backdrop of a modern city emerges. She remembers a sunny summer day. As she wanders the empty streets, she is haunted by memories. The menacing stream of thoughts pulls her into an endless tunnel of horrific memories. Then the noise turns into music. A sunny summer day. She finds herself waiting in front of a motionless carousel. Shannet smiles as her friends join her, and she stops with them in the silence.

Feet Fear Freedom
Joris Keller / Switzerland 2023 / 13'44" / DCP / colour / German / Doc
Feet receive little attention. Unless they hurt, and podiatrist Edi passionately takes care of them. A courageous cut, a well-aimed stitch, and the previously hidden foot stories come to the surface.