Juju Stories
C.J. «Fiery» Obasi/Michael Omonua/Abba T. Makama / Nigeria/France 2021 / 84' / colour / English
A three-part anthology film exploring juju (magical) stories rooted in Nigerian folklore and urban legend, written and directed by the Nigerian New Wave collective known as Surreal16. «Juju Stories» tackles juju in contemporary Lagos through three stories. In «Love Potion» by Michael Omonua, an unmarried woman agrees to use juju to find herself an ideal mate. In «Yam» by Abba Makama, consequences arise when a street urchin picks up seemingly random money from the roadside. In «Suffer the Witch» by C.J. Obasi, love and friendship turns into obsession, when a young college student attracts her crush's interest.