9.11.2022, 20:00, Maxx 5
12.11.2022, 19:30, Maxx 5
The latest trends in international filmmaking: our competition programmes present recent short films from around the world. The best works will be presented with prizes at the Award Ceremony on Sunday.

Clara Anastácia/Gabriela Gaia Meirelles / Brazil 2022 / 15'56" / DCP / colour / Portuguese / Exp/Fic
Rose is walking Ms. Elzira's dog when she sees an open house and decides to go inside. Suddenly in love with the absent and mysterious owner, Rose refuses to leave the house.

The Water Murmurs
Story Chen / China 2022 / 14'59" / DCP / colour / Chinese / Fic
When an asteroid hits the Earth and causes underwater volcanic eruptions, the inhabitants of a small riverside town start to flee inland. Before leaving, Nian decides to say goodbye to her childhood friend. On this journey, her memories of the town become clearer and clearer in her mind.

Hotel Kalura
Sophie Koko Gate / United Kingdom 2021 / 5'4" / DCP / colour / English / Ani
A woman walks into a hotel bar on the romantic island of Sicily, waiting to be lit.

2nd Person
Rita Barbosa / Portugal 2022 / 16' / DCP / colour / Portuguese / Fic
One day, an old water pipe causes a ceiling leak. On this ceiling, toxic fungi of the Polyporales order grow. Sitting on the toilet, the lady of the house looks up and observes the magical and mysterious fungus, which is neither an animal nor a plant. The fungus is the future, she thinks.

Lake of Fire
Art Collective NEOZOON / Germany 2022 / 11' / DCP / colour / English / Exp/Doc
The fear of death can only be conquered if people believe in a powerful saviour – otherwise eternal damnation in hell is waiting. The documentary film collage «Lake of Fire» shows how the dualistic view and way of life of certain believers additionally fuels the climate change-related hell on earth in a dangerous way.

Will My Parents Come to See Me
Mo Harawe / Austria/Germany/Somalia 2022 / 28' / DCP / colour / Somali / Fic
An experienced Somali policewoman once again accompanies a young inmate through the procedures of the Somali justice system.