A postapocalyptic imagination runs counter to the idea of a linear evolution that concludes with the end of the world. What remains in a time that has started to end? These short cinematic scenarios present alternative worlds that challenge the notion of an end of all things. Vegetative, animalistic, and marginalized lifeforms become the protagonists of a different, postapocalyptic experience of time in the Anthropocene.
After the screening, curator Toni Hildebrandt and filmmaker Pauline Julier will discuss the issues raised in the programme.

Look Then Below
Ben Rivers / United Kingdom 2019 / 22'30" / DCP / colour / English / Exp/Fic
This film conjures up futuristic beings from an eerie smoke-filled landscape and the depths of the earth. «Look Then Below» was shot in the vast, dark passages of Wookey Hole Caves in Somerset. The netherworld of chambers, carved out over deep time, once held remnants of lost civilizations – now, it foretells a future subterranean world, occupied by a species evolved from our environmentally challenged world.

Cercate Ortensia
Pauline Julier / Switzerland 2021 / 16'10" / DCP / colour / English / Exp
Composed of archives, personal or borrowed from social networks, «Cercate Ortensia» is an expression of disarray as well as a big breath. A plethora of memory fragments collide, from humans walking to old statues with vacant eyes, between hydrangeas, tired fathers, and red skies.

Flüsse sind uferlos
Mina Achermann / Switzerland 2022 / 12'53" / DCP / colour / German / Exp
When hawks have disappeared from sight, you must look up into the sky; their reflection rises in the birds that fear them. There is so much more sky than land. Uneventful images of individual dreaming and collective waiting are strung together. The images go along with an attempt to reflect on continuities and with the fact that even the Möbius strip needs a tape.

Atomic Garden
Ana Vaz / Brazil/Portugal 2018 / 8' / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Exp
Fields of newborn flowers, small gatherings of surviving bees, resistant plant species, and new types of egg lay upon our shore, engaging us to dig and search for the meaning of such unexpected life…

Les intranquilles
Magdalena Froger / Switzerland 2017 / 12'52" / DCP / colour / French / Exp/Fic
Three young men dressed in military uniforms roam around a ghost town. Walking, taking breaks in a variety of landscapes, they decide to go and see the sea, perhaps for the last time.

Tout ira bien
Nicolas Chapoulier/Pauline Julier / Switzerland 2020 / 8'55" / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Exp
At nightfall, a flying oracle comes forward and unfolds a message.