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Agriculture and mining are among the main economic sectors in Latin America, which is one of the earth’s most biodiverse regions. Working (with) the land is vital for the inhabitants of the Andean nations. They live and survive off and with the earth. From the mines in the highlands to the Pacific coast: the programme Tierra vital showcases the breathtaking beauty and mysticism of the Andean nature, which is barren as well as opulent – and often acutely threatened by outside influences.
Summits and Ashes Fernando Criollo / Peru 2020 / 17'25" / DCP / colour/black & white / Quechua/Spanish / Exp/Doc
We walk towards the highest our legs and our thoughts allow. Here, where the oxygen is diluted with each step, our breaths intermingle with the music and are lost among the explosions, screams, and infinite mountains. The wind carries all the living weight on its shoulders and sings in the language of the chosen ones. The vestiges of a clash between two worlds await us. Will we meet again?
Guillermina (70) is an Aymara shepherdess who faces loneliness and the annihilation of her environment as a result of mining exploitation in the vicinity of her town. Her only companion is the puma that stalks her.
Tierra Mojada Juan Sebastián Mesa / Colombia 2017 / 17' / DCP / colour / Spanish / Fic
In a jungle canyon, Oscar (13) finishes making two shallow graves. His house is located in the midst of a large hydroelectric project, and it is the last day before they are expelled. A chainsaw is heard in the distance. An exhausted Oscar enters his home for the last time. His elderly grandparents are patiently waiting in the kitchen.
Earth's Children Diego Sarmiento / Peru 2014 / 14'51" / DCP / colour / Spanish/Quechua / Doc
Early every morning, young Jorge harvests bananas with his machete. Back in his village after breakfast, he wanders in the lush wilderness around the Amazon headwaters with his friends. Childhood could hardly be more carefree or peaceful.
Cali, 2019. A large fire on the hill of Cristo Rey unleashes a series of strange events in the east of the city. Young black girls between 11 and 14 disappear. The Caleños are far from understanding the power of the Pacific that came to the city to take back its own.
Snow-covered mountain peaks, endless Pacific beaches, and forests as far as the eye can see. The Andean nations offers tourists from around the world a spectacular panorama of nature. The fauna and flora of these countries are among the most diverse in the world. This rich environment also affects the life and survival of the people. In Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela, agriculture and mining remain among the main economic sectors to this day. They involve demanding and sometimes dangerous work. At the same time, the symbiosis between humans and their environment – the spirit of give-and-take, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth – is especially pronounced in this part of the world.
The programme’s title, Tierra vital, is a reference to the survival of people off and with the land; but both humans and nature are threatened by outside influences. «Tomorrow/Before» follows the journey of an older woman, who is forced to leave her home in Chile’s breathtakingly beautiful mountains after her husband’s death. The Colombian film «Tierra Mojada» employs stunning imagery to lament the destruction of nature – and with it, the livelihood of many, mostly indigenous people. «Earth’s Children» from Peru offers a different perspective: «I’m going to my field, where the fruits of the lands are … Let’s go harvest» – this is the song of children who start their work of harvesting bananas early in the morning, but who also indulge in the freedoms and pleasures of a simple rural life.
Tierra vital also means living earth. Nature and the environment have an almost figural presence in the lives of the inhabitants – earth as a family member and provider. The programme is framed by the films «Summits and Ashes» and «Pacifico Oscuro», which both show mystical, even magical dimensions of nature in the Andean cultures, though without trying to explain anything that eludes scientific understanding. Last but not least, Tierra vital is also a journey: from the high peaks of the Andes through lush forests to the Pacific coast.
Le court métrage n’est pas juste un film «court». C’est une forme d’art à part entière à laquelle nous consacrons chaque année un festival.
Il existe des courts métrages de tous genres et de toutes longueurs. Grâce à des voies de production facilitées, il permet de capter rapidement une époque et de l’illustrer. Il divertit, surprend, analyse lasociété, exprime une opinion politique ou donne un aperçu de mondes étrangers.
Nous rassemblons nos courts métrages pour créer des programmes thématiques ou des sections – comme nos compétitions – et nous les projetons dans un ordre bien précis. Pour apprécier le court métrage, il suffit d’être curieux, d’avoir envie de faire des découvertes et de se laisser surprendre.
Le festival
Les Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur représentent le plus important festival de courts métrages en Suisse. Chaque mois de novembre, Winterthour se transforme en métropole du court métrage pendant six jours.
Tout le monde trouve son compte dans les programmes soigneusement concoctés par nos curatrices et curateurs sur des thématiques ou des événements actuels et brûlants. Les blocs des compétitions donnent une bonne vue d’ensemble du paysage cinématographique actuel, alors que les installations, performances et autres événements spéciaux montrent au public la diversité des formes audiovisuelles. Le programme d’événements allie concerts, lectures et bien plus encore, complétant ainsi l’expérience du festival.