Under the motto «Different?», the Magic Lantern film club for children aged 6 to 12 presents seven shorts from various countries and genres. The films show that we’re all quite different and thus faced with very individual challenges in our daily lives. To tackle these challenges, we need a healthy dose of self-confidence as well as a supportive environment. Young and old are invited to discover these enchanting short films on the big screen!

Mom Is Always Right
Marie Urbánková / Czech Republic 2022 / 7'39" / DCP / colour / Czech / Ani
Mirek has a huge belly and nobody knows why. Diets and strenuous exercise don't help. His big belly causes many complications. The simple act of putting on socks turns into a hellish mission. We follow the stories of several heroes, each with unusual troubles. Where do they stem from?

A Whisper in the Island of the Heart
Xiaowen Wang / USA 2022 / 13'1" / DCP / colour / Tibetan / Fic
A little girl returns to her hometown in Tibet, where a team of doctors treat the medical condition she has had since birth. Recuperating at her grandfather's house, she makes a new and special friend. A silent film about a little disabled kid and a dog.

Ich habe keine Angst!
Marita Mayer / Germany/Norway 2022 / 7'2" / DCP / colour / German / Ani
During a game of hide and seek, Vanja leaves the bright living room and enters a dimly lit courtyard, which has far too many dark corners, weird shadows, and strange noises. To overcome the fear, Vanja turns into a dangerous tiger!

Und dänn
Tanja Nuijten/Raphael Stalder/Leo Graf / Switzerland 2022 / 2'42" / DCP / colour / Swiss German / Ani
Drei Kinder erfinden die Geschichte von einem Wal, der aus einem Bergsee springt und mit einem Heissluftballon davonfliegt.

Too Big Drawing
Genadzi Buto / Belarus 2021 / 5'13" / DCP / colour / English / Exp
The drawing extends beyond the paper, outlining the real world

Salvador Dalí
Eldiar Madakim / Kyrgyzstan 2021 / 19' / DCP / colour / Kirghiz / Fic
Every day, little Orozbek has to walk a long distance and cross a river to get to school. Because that's where he has a chance to get closer to his dream.

Battery Daddy
Seung-bae Jeon / South Korea 2021 / 6'20" / DCP / colour / Korean / Ani
Battery Dad goes on a trip to a valley with others. A sudden downpour causes the valley to flood, and everyone is stranded. Battery Dad tries to power the flashlight with all his might so that people can be safely rescued. But the constant rain is putting him in danger.