A late-night programme that skilfully balances humour, horror, and crime. Animals seeking revenge under the stars, five strong women on a vendetta, and a cat in a delightfully escalating job interview. Watch a bullied teenager’s a cappella club wreak havoc, join a brutal yoga session, experience 80s action vibes, and find out how Death himself copes with all the killing. This selection promises a great mix of dark humour, violence, and, of course, murder.
Recommended for ages 16+

Une belle nuit d'été
Arthur Dupuy/Barbara Derail/Yannis Brun/Enzo Leboucher/Sam Castelli/Aleksandar Savic / France 2022 / 7'18" / colour / no dialogue / Fic/Ani
On a beautiful summer night, a group of animals decide to avenge the death of one of their own.

The Women's Revenge
Su Hui-Yu / Taiwan 2020 / 16' / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Exp
In a dynamic re-enactment of 1980s Taiwanese sexploitation films, five women go on a vengeful rampage in the fog-filled night.

Selection Process
Carla Pereira Docampo / Spain 2021 / 3'30" / colour / Spanish / Ani
A cat goes to a job interview where his aptitude is assessed by three mice. As the interview progresses, the situation becomes more and more awkward for everyone involved.

Death Row
Jan Soldat / Austria/Germany 2023 / 5'40" / colour / English / Exp/Fic
«Death Row», the part of a prison where inmates await their execution, in this case describes the film cell for the repeatedly deceased actor Danny Trejo. In more than 260 feature films, over 230 series episodes, and 30 short films, Danny Trejo has already died over 100 times.

The Devil's Harmony
Dylan Holmes Williams / United Kingdom 2019 / 14'23" / DCP / colour / English / Fic
A bullied teenage girl leads an a cappella club on a trail of destruction against her high school enemies.

Downward Facing Dogs
Karsten de Vreugd / Netherlands 2019 / 11'25" / DCP / colour / Dutch/English / Fic
Mara finds her sense of zen during yoga in a violent and unorthodox way.

All In
Line Klungseth Johansen/Oystein Moe / Norway 2015 / 5' / DCP / colour / English / Fic/Clip
An homage to 1980s action films and computer games.

Ginny Reaper
Niamh McKeown / United Kingdom 2022 / 15'8" / colour / English / Fic
«Ginny Reaper» tells the tale of Ginny, a Grim Reaper who embarks on her first holiday 100 years only to be haunted by the actual ghosts of her past.