6.11.2024, 20:30, Maxx 5
8.11.2024, 17:30, Maxx 5
The latest trends in international filmmaking: our competition programmes present recent short films from around the world. The best works will be honoured with prizes at the Award Ceremony on Sunday.

The Oasis I Deserve
Ines Sieulle / France 2024 / 22'27" / colour / English / Exp/Doc
Online chatbots like Replika have trouble determining their place in the world. They share their thoughts with the humans they interact with. Events unfold from their point of view through real conversations collected on the web.

Samir Karahoda / Kosovo 2024 / 15'6" / colour / Albanian / Fic
A father and son are on their way to the airport to pick up a package sent from abroad. Amid bureaucratic hurdles, with little or no hope for real political and social change in the country, they find comfort and strength in their shared optimism for the future.

City of Poets
Sara Rajaei / Netherlands 2024 / 21'22" / colour/black & white / Farsi/English / Doc
In a small, semi-utopian city, all the streets are named after poets. When war begins, new neighborhoods emerge to accommodate the refugees. The streets are renamed with the names of fallen soldiers. Soon, the citizens are lost amid the memories of the forgotten poets.

Đừng giỡn mặt với Bà
Sally Tran / USA 2024 / 14'36" / colour / Korean/Mandarin/Vietnamese/Japanese / Fic
In a Chinatown, Thao and their friends unite after their grandmother's murder and robbery. Disillusioned by authorities, they seek street justice against the thieving gang, aiming to protect their community's elderly and fight petty crime, finding renewed purpose and solidarity.