6.11.2024, 19:30, Maxx 1
9.11.2024, 22:00, Maxx 5
10.11.2024, 11:30, Maxx 6
Hot Shorts is a vibrant selection of short films bursting with creativity, intriguing stories, or just plain fun. Like every year, we have chosen some of the hottest shorts from the competition submissions.

Martin Schmidt / Germany 2024 / 4'9" / colour / German / Exp/Ani
An aggressive battle unfolds between red and dark blue. The borderlines between the colours vibrate with tension as they fight for their lives.

Queen Size
Avril Besson / France 2023 / 18'56" / colour / French / Fic
This morning, Marina has an appointment with Charlie to sell her a mattress. This evening, she will cancel her flight to Reunion. But they don't know that yet.

Vegan Mayo
Luca Toth / Hungary 2024 / 4'36" / colour / English / Exp/Ani
She is all of this: A super empath, a justice warrior, and your favourite confidence queen… but then again maybe just a sausage.

Harald Furuholmen / Norway/Japan 2024 / 10'47" / colour / Japanese / Fic
After receiving a homegrown cucumber from the older lady next door, a broke, socially anxious shut-in has to reciprocate the gift. But soon his past catches up with him, and he now has to confront his crippling fear of connection.

Turdy and the Old Fart
Rauno Laikjõe / Estonia 2023 / 4'18" / colour / Estonian / Ani/Exp
«Turdy and the Old Fart» tells a story about a young boy's journey into the wide world, accompanied by his grandfather. Oh, and it takes place inside the gut.

Golden Shower
Stella Carneiro / Portugal 2024 / 12'11" / colour / Portuguese / Fic
Sheila, a young Brazilian woman, receives an unexpected sexual proposal from her Portuguese boyfriend.

I Am the Fire
Patrik Eklund / Sweden 2024 / 14'32" / colour / Swedish / Fic
The time of change is near for 53-year-old Kaj, who has recently started to question his authority as a Sensei. After a workplace accident, Kaj is forced to find a way out of the past and into the present.

Jan Saska / Slovakia/Czech Republic/Bosnia-Herzegovina/France 2024 / 13'7" / colour / Czech / Fic/Ani
Hurikán rushes out to save his favourite beer stand from closure by fetching a new keg to impress the bartender he has a crush on. In a wild Prague district, he faces robbers, cops, and his own thirst.