9.11.2023, 16:30, Maxx 1, Free entry
Kurzfilmtage’s annual Swiss Film School Day is a showcase of Switzerland’s five major undergraduate degree programmes. Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL), the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and the Lucerne School of Art and Design (Video/Animation) present a selection of their recent short films.
The jury of the Swiss Competition gives feedback to the students and awards the prize for the Best Swiss School Film.
Admission to the Swiss Film School Day is free – a great opportunity to get a first glimpse of Kurzfilmtage!

Vanessa Hüppin / Switzerland 2023 / 13'15" / colour / Swiss German / Doc
An evening in a bar. A babble of voices. Fragments of dialogue. The voices melt into sounds, and reality becomes elusive, only to be reshaped a moment later.

Myra Lou Ana Thiemard / Switzerland 2023 / 18'30" / DCP / colour / Spanish/French / Doc/Fic/Ani
Eighteen-year-old Sophie visits the city of her origins, Valparaiso in Chile. From street to street, she confronts this place and what it means to her. In search of herself, attracted by a strange house, followed by a condor, engulfed in her drawings, Sophie must understand who she is in order to accept where she comes from.

A Monster Called Love
Sophia Lara Nimue Schweizer / Switzerland 2023 / 13' / colour / English / Fic
Once upon a time, O is haunted by a recurring nightmare and goes for a walk in the woods.
O knows of the eerie tales about this particular forest but is not bothered.
O meets a monster called Love.
As the weather changes and a storm arises, O falls for a motoprince.
The morning after, O wakes up and vomits a dead butterfly.

Searching for the 5th Direction
Matthias Schüpbach / Switzerland 2023 / 7'5" / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Ani/Exp
The search for the self and the memories and emotions associated with it lead us through the forgotten and dark places of an inner world. We move through an apparent interactivity, generated by the camera, and through spaces created from around 150 3D scans, torn between curiosity and resistance.