What a beautiful place! Is this Italy? No. We are still in Switzerland. We never crossed a border. Not quite in Italy, yet somehow separate from the rest of Switzerland, Ticino tends to be forgotten or neglected, especially in the world of arts and culture. This programme is an homage to Ticino that highlights some of the region’s young filmmaking talents. Through their eyes, we watch the protagonists search for their path as they negotiate their past and future, relationships with family and tradition, and the will to belong.

Alma in the Heard
Agnese Làposi / Switzerland 2019 / 24'50" / DCP / colour / Italian / Fic
Alma visits her older sister, who lives in the countryside. She meets a boy and a stolen cow in the garden.

An Italian Square
Enea Zucchetti / Switzerland 2021 / 13'58" / DCP / colour / Italian / Doc/Exp
An enigmatic building at the foot of a square. By constantly shifting between past and present, the film explores the fate of an indefinable building, the icon of an ambiguous place suspended between Switzerland and Italy.

Correndo in volo
Morena Henke / Switzerland 2014 / 16' / DCP / colour / Italian / Fic
Following a severe depression, Filomena is confined to a psychiatric clinic. During an authorized leave, she returns to her hometown and spends several days with her friend Amelia. She tries to re-establish contact with others, but the world around her is out of step with her own state of mind.

A Strange Trial
Marcel Barelli / Switzerland 2018 / 9'58" / DCP / colour / Italian / Ani/Doc
«I always wanted to make a film about hunting. That is, AGAINST hunting! But that's not so easy when you come from a family of hunters... My thoughts are intermingled with my memories. I discuss it with my father, a hunter, of course. But my mother also has a thing or two to say.»

Little Swallow
Nikita Merlini / Switzerland 2021 / 24'10" / DCP / colour / German/English/Italian / Fic
Ticino. After losing their home in a fire, 18-year-old Sofia and her mother Carla are forced to live in a room of a small hotel by the lake. Sofia explores the building and meets inspiring new people. A thousand exciting opportunities seem to open up for her. Carla, on the other hand, has to get used to the idea of her daughter leaving. In this closed-door environment, mother and daughter try to find a new balance in their relationship.