12.11.2022, 22:30, Maxx 5
10.6.2023, 14:00, , Free entry
This programme is based on the idea of an exchange between pen pals. The dialogue begins with an email from John Canciani to Oleksiy Radynski (Ukrainian filmmaker, writer, and activist), in which John recommends a film and shares his thoughts on it. Oleksiy, in turn, responds with a message and a film suggestion. A ping-pong-like conversation evolves, both in the emails and in the film programme. This experiment shows how a programme can be created intuitively as well as collaboratively.

Daya Cahen / Netherlands 2008 / 26'30" / DCP / colour / Russian / Exp/Doc
In 2007, Daya Cahen was the only outsider allowed to pitch her tent in the Nashi summer camp, where she witnessed the daily routine of the youth movement created by Vladimir Putin. She captured her impressions with two cameras and presents them in a double projection. 10,000 Russian boys and girls are preparing themselves for a heroic future. They are the chosen ones of Russia: the budding managers and politicians of the country that is destined to become the global leader of the 21st century.

Hito Steyerl / Germany 2022 / 2' / DCP / colour/black & white / Russian / Exp
In 2015, Hito Steyerl collaborated with the Kharkiv-based IT company Program Ace to create the three-channel video installation «The Tower», which deals with military conflict simulation technologies amidst the war-threatened environment of an East Ukrainian city. In 2022, in response Russia's latest invasion of Ukraine, Hito Steyerl revisited her 2015 work to zoom in on some of the overlooked aspects of this war.

Action, Almost Unable to Think
Mao Haonan / China 2018 / 11'30" / DCP / colour / Chinese / Ani/Exp
The film is based on the true story of a soldier who was killed by a bomb while greeting a civilian. It tries to recapture that moment of contradiction and fragility.

Deep Love
Mykyta Lyskov / Ukraine 2019 / 13'57" / DCP / colour / English / Ani
The bald eagle, symbol of power, flies over a Ukrainian city and drops an egg whose impact generates a rising nuclear mushroom. Deep love has finally happened in Ukraine.

About the Art of Love, or A Film with 14441 Frames
Karpo Godina / Yugoslavia 1972 / 10' / DCP / colour / Serbo-Croat / Doc/Exp
«The army asked me to make an official military film. Instead I made one that said «make love not war». The military literally chopped it up with an axe, but I was able to save one print.» – Karpo Godina

Sashko Protyah / Ukraine 2021 / 8'44" / DCP / colour/black & white / Ukrainian / Clip/Doc
«Khayt» is an artistic speculation about the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in 2068, where a thriving urban culture is largely created by Azov Greeks.