While these films were not selected for this year’s competitions, they still belong on the big screen. At least that is the opinion of the intrepid curators of this programme, which enjoys cult status at Kurzfilmtage. Featuring works that other selection committees couldn’t handle, Dismissed does not shy away from sentimental dramas or confused plotlines. The orgy of images is ready – we’ll leave it to the audience to provide for everything else.

Anele Mphuti / South Africa 2022 / 1' / DCP / colour / English / Exp/Fic
A short clip of an one-man-crew playing with transitions and visual effects, telling a story in one minute where everything is connected to everything.

Le Saboteur
Anssi Kasitonni / Finland 2022 / 12' / DCP / colour / French / Fic
An ex-saboteur gets back into the business – and every film trick is revealed via split screen! A short action film about the adventure of independent and collaborative filmmaking – with all the special effects.

Mona Keil / Germany 2022 / 4'55" / DCP / colour / Abkhazian / Ani/Exp
Meaty creatures must learn to share their juicy world with the pesky little bugs, before they dry up.

Punctured Sky
Jon Rafman / Canada/USA 2021 / 21'14" / DCP / colour / English / Exp/Ani
A reunion with an old friend reminds the narrator of the mysterious disappearance of a beloved video game of his childhood, «Punctured Sky». The search for the background story questions terms such as memory, truth, and identity in times of the internet.

Virtual Voice
Suzannah Mirghani / Qatar/Sudan 2021 / 6'42" / DCP / colour / English / Doc
Suzi Doll is an ego-warrior who marches to social media algorithms and is enlightened by temporary outrage. A trendy and populist outrage. A passion that is fashion. Abstract activism, hypothetical help, empty virtual voices.

Stranger Than Rotterdam with Sara Driver
Lewie Kloster/Noah Kloster / USA 2021 / 9'39" / DCP / colour / English / Ani/Doc
In 1982, the completion of Jim Jarmusch's sophomore film, «Stranger Than Paradise», hinged on producer Sara Driver's willingness to smuggle one of the world's rarest and most controversial films across the Atlantic Ocean.

Priit Tender / Estonia 2022 / 14'7" / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Ani
The ills of fortune have deported ballet dancer Sergei to a suburban kolhoz. Here, he fights mundane battles against routine, domestic animals, and alcohol.

Bea Hoeller / Germany 2021 / 2'47" / DCP / colour / no dialogue / Ani
Barbie immerses herself in a lustful, magical world. Aesthetic associations related to femininity, female masturbation, and the often negatively connoted image of the female sex.

3rd Octave F
Eeva Mägi / Estonia 2021 / 17'7" / DCP / colour / Estonian / Fic
A Western. An opera. A parody. A story that plays with the big themes of enemy brothers, revenge, resistance, injustice, and women's oppression.